Industrial Statistics - "International Standard Industrial Classification" (ISIC)

This note refers to the unique "Industrial Statistics" database, provided by the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, Vienna (UNIDO), here at AllThatStats now.

UNIDO maintains the international industrial statistical databases on different levels of the "International Standard Industrial Classification" (ISIC)(1) with worldwide coverage. "Primary importance is given to the quality assurance of statistics, especially in terms of international comparability of data with respect to recommended concepts and definitions, classification and coverage."(2)


"The international standard industrial classification of all economic activities, abbreviated as ISIC, is a standard United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) classification of economic activities arranged so that entities can be classified according to the activity they carry out.

The ISIC classification combines the statistical units according to their character, technology, organisation and financing of production. The ISIC is used widely, both nationally and internationally, in classifying economic activity data in the fields of population, production, employment, gross domestic product and other economic activities. It is a basic tool for studying economic phenomena, fostering international comparability of data and for promoting the development of sound national statistical systems."

Source: Eurostat, Luxembourg


The Industrial Statistics time series provide several data tables on ISIC level 2, 3 and 4.

Table themes in detail:

  • 01 Number of establishments
  • 04 Number of employees
  • 05 Wages and salaries
  • 14 Output
  • 20 Value added
  • 21 Gross fixed capital formation
  • 31 Number of female employees
  • 51 Index numbers of industrial production

Direct link to the databases: The Industrial Statistics time series provide several data tables on ISIC level 2, 3 and 4.


1)ISIC Code Classifications, Detailed structure and explanatory notes

2)UNIDO website ref. Industrial Statistics

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